Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year and OOTD


   I hope you enjoyed NYE and the actual day. This year I got to experience a Japanese style new years celebration with my family. It's only my second new year after moving to Tokyo and I never had a proper homemade Osechi (お節), a traditional Japanese cuisine eaten after New Years day for celebration, so I begged my mom for these pretty things. Usually Osechi is served in these layered boxes but we never owned these and its a pain to buy something you would only use once a year so we had to compromise with moms favourite plates with asian vibes. 

   These were considered delicacies in the past and people only got to eat them once a year. Nowadays we have more than enough types of food available at any time of the year so it's not really considered a delicacy. To tell the truth, Japanese food is often more on the healthy side so eating it as a celebration feels a bit different from eating roasted turkey for Thanks Giving. It's not as luxurious or filling. Even from a Japanese point of view, Osechi feels a little simple taste wise although it's time consuming to make. (and theres almost no meat involved) I like that simplicity but I'm not too sure if it's a taste everyone would enjoy. 

   And here's my lazy outfit of that day. If you're extra lazy to wear makeup, just wear sunglasses. 
My friends and I call this the gorilla jacket. I love it so much. It's super warm and cozy. 

Jacket - Diesel SALE (I dont know if its still available)
Croptop - Zara
Overalls - Some Japanese brand
Shoes - Zara
Bag - Zara

I'm 70% composed of Zara, I swear. 

I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you (:

1 comment:

  1. Your Osechi set up looks beautiful! I actually really like that it's so light and involves little meat cos there is so much eating involved during the holiday time that I just become a land whale by the end and full of guilt and self-loathing. Oishiii to the maxxxx. Love your blog Maria! The Diesel fur is so so so good.

    Jenny from IG hehehe
