This is a small project i set myself to complete. It's called the "Tattoo Shirt Project". What I'm doing here is: instead of tattooing myself and horrify my mom, I would stitch patterns, words, images on my shirt. The motif of the embroideries I use would be something meaningful to me. I would add as much/less to the shirt depending on how I feel. There's no specific criteria to mark the completion to this piece, but I think that aspect would make this shirt even more special. I share with you the first quote added to this plain white shirt.
What you need:
needle, thread of choice, something you want to stitch on (optional: embroidery hoop)
attach the embroidery hoop...
...and start stitching!
"Non je ne regrette rien"
The title of a song sang by Edith Piaf, who I love and adore. I love her voice and the lyrics she chirps.
Although it may seem that stitching on a piece of shirt does not qualify as having equivalent commitment as to getting a tattoo, the effort you put in to complete an embroidery piece requires equivalent commitment in my opinion.
I'm sorry if you were expecting a full step by step tutorial on how to do embroideries. I just wanted to share about this project I started. I'm sure someone more considerate than I am would had posted something on that on the internet by now. I got better as I went. If you're a beginner like me, don't give up! If you're tired, let it sit for a day or two and come back.
You're a star, it's so beautiful. When it comes to my artsy craftsy things I am as useful as an ice cube in bowl of soup for real hahaha love to see more!